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Fees: Groundfloor does not charge investors any fees. Borrowers pay fees to the platform, which cover operational costs.

Minimum Investment: $10

Accredited Investor Only: No

Why We Chose It

Groundfloor is a standout choice for both accredited and non-accredited investors due to its low minimum investment requirement and fee-free structure for investors. The platform offers access to real estate debt investments, allowing investors to earn returns from interest on loans. With Groundfloor, investors can diversify their portfolio with real estate investments without much capital.

Pros & Cons


  • Low minimum investment of $10
  • Open to non-accredited investors
  • No fees charged to investors
  • Access to a variety of real estate loans
  • Potential for attractive returns through interest payments


  • Investments are not liquid and can be tied up until the loan term ends
  • Risk of borrower default
  • Limited to real estate debt investments only


Groundfloor provides a unique opportunity for investors to participate in real estate debt investments with a minimal upfront commitment. With no fees charged to investors and a minimum investment requirement of just $10, Groundfloor makes real estate investing accessible to a broader audience. The platform focuses on short-term, high-yield real estate loans, offering the potential for attractive returns through interest payments. However, investors should be aware that their funds will be tied up until the end of the loan term, and there is always a risk of default by the borrower. Despite these risks, Groundfloor is an appealing option for diversifying their investment portfolio with real estate debt.

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